Thursday, April 30, 2009

Long week

It has been a LOOONG week and Zach has definitely not been himself. Damn teething. I can see he has molars coming in...the 4 points are cut but there is still fleshy gum in the center so I know we are not over yet! I just hope it ends SOON! It has really tested me for sure. I have not been feeling the best this week and with his craziness going on, my usual patience with him has not been at its best. I actually apologized to him yesterday because I know he can't help but....but for an hour plus yesterday he was just CRYING! Holds on to the leg with arms up to be picked up. I pick him up, and he arches back and flails his arms to get down. Milk? Throw it across the room. Food? Throw it on the floor to Esther. Fever? No. Dirty Diaper? No. Gotta be the teeth again. But he is rolling around the floor and hysterical and nothing I do can calm him! I think about calling a Catholic Priest for an exorcism but I am not Catholic and don't think protestant ministers do things like that. I ended up doing my trick from Saturday.....wrapping him in a blanket like he is in a straightjacket swaddle and then just rock him till he can calm himself down. I was able to get some oragel and teething tablets in him too during this episode which I am sure helped. He totally crashed and was out for at least an hour before he woke happy as a clam! WTH!

But the worst part about all this is it has me doubting that I can do this all again and be good at it?? Is there not enough time in between the two kids and is Zach going to get the shaft now in having his time to be a baby? Will he be able to adjust and be okay with less attention? Can I HANDLE two and not lose my sanity? Will we be poor with 2 so close together? Zach was an easy baby but harder now...what if #2 is the opposite or God forbid....COLICKY??? All I know is this baby will be here before we know it and I need to figure out how this is all going to work out if that's possible (and I don't mean that badly because I am beyond happy to BE pregnant again and have a baby again and to give Z a sibling!) I just keep reminding myself of two things 1) God never gives us more than we can handle and 2) what my OB said...hers are 20 months apart too....the first 2 years are hard and then its great! Built in playmate! Just praying that these 2 toots get along and remind myself that I am not in control and He has a plan!

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