Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have another blog....

Google sent me an email about a month ago telling me to update my password or something and I found I had started another blog that I never did anything with.  Looking at the date it started....summer of 2006, I am guessing I was going to start blogging about infertility and trying to have a baby but for whatever reason decided not to share.  I don't like to think back too much about that what seemed like an eternity and was only a year and half.  Although, I am at a place know where I can accept that HE had bigger plans, bigger than me, and his name is Zachary.  So although I suffered, it brought about one VERY special little boy that never would have been had I been one of the average women who get pregnant in 0-6 months.  

So here we are now...pregnant with #2.  And I have lots of thoughts and emotions going on that I am sure people don't want to read about on the Adventures of Z Man!  And that's when I came back to this blog...I have it, why not use it?  So here we go.  Read if you want.  Some will be happy, some may be sad, some may be who knows what!  Come along for the ride!

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