Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Losing a Friend

Have you ever lost a close friend? I dont mean by death or relocation, I mean by one person deciding they no longer want or need the friendship. Unfortunately this is a very real side effect of the infertility vs pregnancy war.

While I can sort of understand it, I personally have never been one able to just cut people out of my life. I wish that I could be there for her because I feel like I have support that I could offer her. She on the other hand, cannot be around me or communicate with me due to #2. It totally sucks. I know it sounds selfish of me to say, but I miss my friend. I dont care that we dont talk about what's going on with me at all, I just miss her and wish I could still be part of her life. I know I have to respect her decision though and all I can do is pray that she gets through this and we can one day be friends again.